Infertility Specialist in Kolkata - Dr. Amitoj Athwal

Ovarian Cysts Treatment in Kolkata

Ovarian Cysts Treatment in Kolkata

An ovarian cyst is a solid or fluid-filled sac or pocket (cyst) within or on the surface of an ovary. Females have two ovaries on each side of the uterus, and the features of each one of them are similar to the shape and size of an almond. During the childbearing years, eggs (ova) are released into the ovaries each month during the menstrual cycle. Most women have a risk of developing an ovarian cyst at some time.


Dr. Amitoj Athwal is an expert in ovarian cyst treatment in Kolkata. If you are having ovarian cysts, you can get in touch with her. She would examine you thoroughly and suggest you the treatment accordingly. If needed, she would also offer an ovarian cyst surgery at a reasonable cost in Kolkata. She is associated with the MAGS medical and research center as a Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician and also operates at Morpheus Kolkata International IVF center as a core fertility specialist.


Different types of ovarian cysts

● Simple Cysts

● Complex Cysts

● Endometriomas (chocolate cysts)

● Dermoid cysts

● Cystadenomas


Some women develop a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome in which the ovaries tend to enlarge due to the presence of a large number of small cysts. Not getting an ovarian cyst treatment in Kolkata can lead to infertility.


Symptoms of ovarian cysts

Generally, there are no symptoms of ovarian cysts in the beginning, but they can appear as the cyst grows. These symptoms are as follows:

● Pain during intercourse

● Nausea and vomiting

● Painful bowel movement

● Tenderness of breasts

● Abdominal bloating or swelling

● Experiencing pain in the lower back or thighs

● Pelvic pain before or during the menstrual cycle


Severe symptoms such as fever, rapid breathing, faintness or dizziness, and severe pelvic pain might indicate a ruptured cyst or an ovarian torsion and call for immediately consulting the best doctor for ovarian cysts in Kolkata.


Risk factors

The risk of an ovarian cyst is heightened by the following factors:

● Pregnancy

● Hormonal problems

● Previous history of having an ovarian cyst

● Severe pelvic infection

● Endometriosis


Ovarian cysts treatment in Kolkata

Consult the best doctor for ovarian cysts in Kolkata, Dr. Amitoj Athwal, and she would decide what is best for you - medication or operation. Medication might require the consumption of hormonal contraceptives, or she might ask you to wait for a few days and then re-examine to check if the cyst has gone away.

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