Infertility Specialist in Kolkata - Dr. Amitoj Athwal

Fibroids Treatment in Kolkata

Fibroids Treatment in Kolkata

Uterine fibroids, also known as myomas are non-cancerous abnormal developments that grow in or on a woman’s uterus. It is mainly faced by women during their childbearing years, thereby creating difficulty in conceiving. Fibroids are not associated with the risk of developing into uterine cancer. Almost 80 percent of women develop fibroids by the age of 50. However, most women do not even realize it unless they get the best fibroids treatment in Kolkata.


The size of fibroids may range from microscopic, seedlings, to bulky masses that can distort and enlarge the uterus, and there can be either a single fibroid or multiple ones. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In extreme cases, it even enlarges and reaches the ribcage.


In such a case, you should get in touch with the top fibroids doctor in Kolkata, Dr. Amitoj Athwal. She is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician who operates at MAGS medical and research center. She has also partnered with Morpheus Kolkata International IVF center as a core fertility specialist and has a proven record of successful uterine fibroids treatment in Kolkata.


Different types of fibroids

The location where the fibroid develops determines the type of fibroid, some of which are as follows:

● Pedunculated fibroids

● Subserosal fibroids

● Intramural fibroids

● Submucosal fibroids


Risk factors for developing fibroids

Women with either of the following risk factors are more likely to develop fibroids:

● A family history of fibroids

● Age above 30 years

● Pregnancy

● High body weight

● African-American


Symptoms of fibroids

The symptoms of fibroids a woman experience depends on the number of tumors she has, their location, and size. You should see a top fibroids doctor In Kolkata if you face any of the following symptoms:

● Blood clots or heavy bleeding between or during periods

● Swelling or enlargement of the abdomen

● Pain during intercourse

● Bleeding for more days than usual

● Increased menstrual cramps

● Tendency to urinate more

● Pain in the pelvis or lower back

● Pressure in the lower abdomen


Diagnosis of fibroids

Fibroids are diagnosed through a pelvic exam through which the condition, size, and shape of your uterus can be checked. A gynecology doctor might also recommend Ultrasound or Pelvic MRI to detect fibroids.


Treatment of fibroids

Fibroids can be treated either through medication or can be operated as per your requirements.  For more information call Dr. Amitoj Athwal.

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