Infertility Specialist in Kolkata - Dr. Amitoj Athwal


Egg freezing, also known as mature oocyte cryopreservation is a relatively new IVF treatment approach in which women get the option to freeze their eggs (acolytes) while they have a good ovarian reserve. The stored eggs that are of good quality can be later on used at an advanced age by thawing and fertilizing them with their partner or donor’s sperm at a time that is right for them in the future.


Morpheus IVF fertility center in Kolkata offers Oocyte Vitrication Programme as a method of preserving your fertility for use in future treatment. Whatever be your reason for delaying childbearing, Morpheus offers this programme at a very economic package so that your eggs can be used for fertilization for future use.


While some women have medical reasons to opt for cryopreservation treatment in Kolkata that is likely to affect their ovaries and prevent them from producing eggs, e.g. they have been diagnosed with cancer or other serious illnesses. Other women might decide to freeze their eggs for social reasons (single women or women wishing to delay childbearing due to career reasons). Freezing their eggs at an optimum time in their reproductive life helps them to preserve their fertility as they can use it for treatment later on in life. Dr. Amitoj Athwal, Core Fertility Specialist at Morpheus IVF center is known for providing the best cryopreservation treatment in Kolkata. It is mostly advisable to freeze your eggs at a young age because after 38 years of age, the quality of the egg deteriorates.

  Procedure for Cryopreservation


● A series of medications would be administered to induce ovulation.

● The progress and reaction to these medications would be monitored through ultrasounds and blood tests.

● At the correct time, your mature eggs would be retrieved from the follicles of your ovaries using a thin needle.

  Risk factors with Cryopreservation


● Though the egg collection is a relatively non-invasive procedure that carries minimal risk, the process might lead to Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) due to the insertion of a number of injections.

● A woman going through cryopreservation treatment in Kolkata might suffer from a condition associated with the use of fertility drugs such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating.

● Some complications might occur during the egg retrieval process such as bowel damage, bleeding, or infection in the urinary bladder as a needle is inserted into the ovaries.

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